We Did It!

If you wanna sit,


Raised $5,208,696.67 of $5,000,000
We're 104% of our goal!
Donation widget from Treeroots Nonprofits

We are running out of room for families to sit together at our four Masses each weekend. Our Capital Campaign to build a new church is well under way. We are passed our initial goal. Fill out and return a Letter of Intent (LOI) to help us reach our reach our next milestone!

St. Pius X Church has grown more than 135% in 10 years. Weekend masses are regularly filled, and countless times you’ve heard me say, We need a bigger church!

Rooted in faith, our parish wants to build a church to provide for current needs and future generations. We need an estimated $10 million in the next five years to build that church and nearly triple our current capacity to 575 people.

I hope you will join me and our community to give back to God so the light of faith shines brightly for generations to come at St. Pius X Catholic Church.

– Fr. Jeffrey Starkovich

Why a Capital Campaign?

  • We don’t have to build a church for them to come. We have to build it because they’re HERE!

    The Ragley, LA area is growing rapidly, and we outgrew our church long ago. If we have no room, we risk losing our Catholic community. If Mass is too difficult to attend, many won’t come. And if they don’t come, they may lose their faith altogether. This capital campaign is an opportunity to leave a legacy where it matters most– your faith. It gives families a chance to build a faith-filled community in which to raise their children. And it ensures that the sacraments remain accessible to everyone for years to come.

Quick Links


What can I do to help build our church?

We need everyone to come together to build our new church. We are asking everyone in the parish to consider three gifts: prayer, financial support and volunteering. The information above explains our project in detail and shows what is needed. There are pictures of the future church plans and an outline of the phases of the Campaign.

The packet includes a Letter of Intent (LOI) or pledge that needs to be completed and turned in to the church office.  The LOI identifies three ways we can help – Gifts of prayer, financial support and service.

Father Starkovich would like all parishioners to turn in an LOI indicating their gifts.

How do I get a Capital Campaign packet?

You can download a PDF version of the packet here. Or, you can call (337) 725-3719 to arrange getting a Capital Campaign packet if you would like a printed version.

Why is it important that I turn in the LOI?

A letter of intent shows the level of support we can expect from each person in our parish. Our pastor and volunteers will use the information from the Letters of Intent to move forward with construction plans. These letters are vital to our ability to start construction as soon as possible.

View Letter of Intent

I am unsure of my ability to contribute financially but want to give.  How should I proceed?

A sacrificial financial contribution should be prayerfully and carefully considered. While we are mindful of the commitment made when pledging, it is not binding.  Should extenuating circumstances develop, approach the pastor or contact the parish office at 337-725-3719 or email us and we will be happy to help you adjust your financial intentions pledged.

When should I make my financial contribution?

We are asking families to consider a financial contribution over a five year period. Donations can be made at a frequency that works for you.  Contributions can be weekly, monthly, annually or any other frequency you wish. If a five-year commitment is not possible, we welcome a commitment of any length of time or a one-time donation.

How can I make payments to the Campaign?

Donations can be made conveniently and easily in numerous ways. They can be placed in the envelope for the second collection on the first weekend of the month for the Capital Campaign, online at spx.church, via credit card or drafting (e-check) from your bank account.  Contact the church office with questions about payment methods.

Contributions can even be made from investments, securities, or in estate planning.  We have a volunteer who is willing to discuss the tax advantages of giving through these ways.

Give Online!

How do I turn in my LOI?

The LOI is submitted to the church office.

After completing your LOI slip it into the self-addressed envelope included in the Campaign packet and seal it.  The information will remain confidential.

You can submit the LOI to the church office by calling 337.499.3660 to arrange to have a volunteer pick it up or by placing it in:

  • weekend collection basket

  • slotted parcel box at outside entrance of church office 24/7

  • USPS mail

How can I remain informed of the progress of the Capital Campaign?

Come back often to this website, read our bulletin, follow us on Social Media, talk to a Capital Campaign volunteer, or speak with Father or church office staff member for updates. Campaign Leadership team members are listed on page 12 of the booklet in packet.

See the church bulletin for Capital Campaign weekly updates of the dollars pledged, countdown to turn in an LOI//pledge card, percentage of LOIs/pledge cards received and upcoming dates.

When are we going to start building the new church?

The goal of our campaign is to raise $5 million dollars. Diocesan policy currently states that we need 50% of a project to be funded before construction begins. Once we have that 50% in hand, we plan to break ground. As of December 2024, our next step is to draw construction plans and work on project engineering, which should take several months.

Is the cemetery part of the Capital Campaign?

No.  The cemetery is a separate project with a committee currently working to bring to fruition. Our plan is to finance the construction of the cemetery through normal parish operations.

I would like to make a memorial gift.  How does that work?

Indicate this on your LOI or contact us.  Church staff will contact you with memorial options and details in order for you to make a substantial contribution in memory of love ones.  Parishioners can team by ministry or family to make a memorial donation if they wish.

I am not in a position to make a substantial financial donation but would like to purchase a brick in memory of loved ones.  Will this be an option?

Memorial bricks are being considered, and our team likes the idea. We need to finish building plans before we know where the bricks would be placed. Parishioners will be informed with details of this foreseeable project.

What other future projects can I expect?

The possibilities are endless!  We invite you to share your ideas.  For example, we would love to have stain glass windows.  Others have suggested an outdoor Way of the Cross pathway around the pond. We welcome your ideas! Send them to campaign@spx.church or a parish staff member.

Volunteer Resources